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A5 valentines chocolate board download

A5 valentines chocolate board download

here we have our A5 chocolate board designs available for download

please scroll through the options to see the designs

these are digital files and no physical item will be sent

once purchased you will be able to download from your account or via the email that is sent to you

you will download a PNG file which can be edited and printed at home

you may not modify these designs in any way other than to add a name where required

these files can be used for personal use or by a small business on finished products only

you may not resell the digital file

these are non refundable or returnable

these should be pre sized to A5 but if they are not you may need resize to A5
Regular price £2.50 GBP
Regular price Sale price £2.50 GBP
Sale Sold out
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.
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